Home Solar Saver

The world is faced with severe energy crisis now and none of us remain unaffected anymore. Review shows reducing your electricity bill is equivalent to saving power, thus helping the world save power for your future generations.

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Towards a Greener Hospitality Industry

Today I am honored to have, Sam Marquit, an independent ‘green’ contractor and co-author of Fair Marquit Value as a guest author to my blog. Below article is a contribution from Sam and hope you enjoy reading the article as much as I do.


Towards a Greener Hospitality Industry

by Sam Marquit

As a contractor, I have had many chances to see the development and utilization of green building materials and all that is required for becoming LEED certified. These days I am more interested in the people who are known for their environmentally conscious use of the buildings that I have worked on. Much of the activity in this realm deserves recognition above and beyond LEED certification.

For example, an accommodation provider in Asia hosts The Wild Asia Responsible Tourism Awards. The event is a responsible tourism show that offers awards in a number of categories. Among the categories recognized are sustainable development, community involvement, and preservation of cultural heritage, energy efficiency and conservation of natural heritage.

“Responsible tourism” could refer to anything from installing plumbing fixtures that turn off automatically to stocking restaurants with produce from community supported organic agriculture initiatives. Throughout hotels in Las Vegas, for example, one notices that great work has been done to fill facilities with products that meet LEED certification standards. In fact, the Las Vegas Palazzo Resort has been named the “Most Eco Friendly Hotel in America.” The hotel has self-sustaining systems and it recycles its own waste 24 hours a day. These sorts of advances are apparent around the country. Many New York City hotels, for example, are making efforts to reduce their carbon footprints with sustainable systems and recycling built into their operations. New York’s ink48 Hotel is known for its Earthcare program, where members talk about how to tread more lightly on the Earth.

Making progress towards protecting the environment means the hospitality industry will have to think beyond simply acquiring LEED certification for facilities. It will also require making day-to-day operations sustainable in an ongoing way. I am proud to have been involved in this sort of project. Since Las Vegas is one of the world’s most popular tourist destinations, it makes good business sense for hoteliers to go green. Not only can sustainable systems reduce energy costs in the long run, but also it is likely that green facilities and operations will attract the kind of educated and affluent consumers that the industry needs.

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How To Cut Your Power Bill by 33%…

Do you know that the main bulk of your power bills comes from every time you turn on your water heater to have a refreshing warm shower, dish washer, washing machine?

Do you know that our mighty sun produces an extremely large amount of FREE energy and yet only less than 1% are fully utilized by mankind?

This is why you are highly encourage to have your very own home solar hot water system to help reduce your monthly electricity bill by a staggering 33%! 

For $37 this season only, this 70 page “The DIY Hot Water” manual will help you build a solar hot water system. 

Some very common question we have:

I live in a cold climate, is this going to work for me?
For years, people living in both hot and cold climates had been able to to enjoy the benefits of solar heaters. In cold climates, the heater will work perfectly to keep the water warm and will reduce your heating costs. As a matter of fact, your power bill will see savings a month after your solar heater installation.

How long have people been using solar water heaters?
People have more than a century who lived in remote parts of the country have no access to electricity were still able to have warm water for washing and cleanings during the cold winters.

A solar water heater is build from a very simple design and you only need to set aside a couple of days to get it done up. Most of the parts can be easily purchase from your local hardware store and you can complete the heater for as little as $100. This is a very small price to pay when you consider the large savings you get in return for the all the effort you put in.

For $37 this season only, this 70 page “The DIY Hot Water” manual will help you build a solar hot water system. 

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Why Build Your Own Solar Energy Farm?

There is a guide that teaches how to assemble a cost effective solar saver system. It also claims to reduce your monthly electricity bills by 80%. How true is it? Does the guide accurately show the reader how to meet their solar renewable energy objective?

Below is my review about this guide.

The topics contains within this guide consists of the following:

1)      Must have things for A Solar Power Kit.

2)      The Facts About Solar Renewable Energy.

3)      Precise documentation on How To Build A Solar Panel.

4)      Crystal clear pictures in Full Color To Guide You Step By Step.

5)      Accurate diagrams and instructions highlighting important steps so that you Get It Right The First Time for anyone.

6)      How to source for FREE Materials.

The guide claims that for not more than $200, you can construct your own solar renewable energy system. There are 3 benefits stated.

1st benefit, after reading through the guide, is knowing how to source a $600 battery for FREE.

2nd benefit is, by following the step by step instructions closely, you can enjoy up to a 90% cost reduction in solar panels prices compared to having a contractor installed system.

3rd benefit claims you can enjoy a saving of up to 80% of your monthly electricity bill.

In order to make sure that I am able to give an accurate review on their claims, I started out assembling a mini solar power panel bench testing the guide step by step instructions, and successfully lighted up my study lamp from the solar energy generated. I then proceeded to build a bigger version to power up my whole house. This DIY solar power system has since helped save up to 60~70% of my monthly electricity bill. This is quite a substantial saving over a one year period. I have to confess that the amount of time spend building my own solar energy farm is definitely worth it.

However, I have to make clear that that results may differ for each household, because electricity usage of every household is not the same. But sooner than later your savings will become significant after following this guide and the solar power kit within a few months. Oil prices are rising and having your own solar renewable energy to will definitely go a long way in savings.

Scientists around the world are searching for cleaner alternative fuels that will reduce greenhouse effect caused by the natural gas. It is now time to come forward and do your part and be part of the go green movement. Even if you are not concern about the solar saver program, you can also benefit from the huge savings from having your own solar renewable energy.

Let me summarize the ROI on having the product Earth4Energy. The solar panels kit can be easily assembled with less than $200 budget, which is super cheap compared to those contractor installs which may have to wait for years before you break-even.

Hope this home solar saver review managed to clear some of your doubts about a house solar energy farming. The site is currently offering quite a few generous bonuses, if you are interested to know what they are, click on this link.

Reduce | Reuse | Recycle And Save the World!

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How to reduce your electricity bill?

More than 70% of us are being weighed down by escalating electricity bills every month. Now is the time to take some actions to reduce your electricity bills by following very simple steps.

I am going to list some simple, easy-to-follow things to help reduce your power bills.

Household appliances: Almost everyone thought that the high amount in the monthly electricity bill is because of the number of household electrical appliances they have at home. However, make no mistake the electricity bill is not directly related to the number of appliances but the way it is use. Let us see how you can change your habit to a greener approach.

• Wash your laundry only when you have a full load of clothes.
• Minimize the time the dryer is on.
• Adjust the thermostat of the air-conditioner or geyser at just the comfortable temperature.
• Don’t just turn-off the TV or radio, pull out the plug altogether.

Green energy investments: Go green…replace incandescent bulbs with green mark energy saving bulbs or lamps. They are brighter and also have a longer operating life.

Bear in mind that reducing your electricity bill is equal to saving power. Going green with solar renewable energy could be the wisest choice. Start your home solar saver program.

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World’s Energy Crisis?

This planet that we all call home will eventually go into a severe energy crisis once the limited available natural resources like oil, gas and water becomes scare. Yet today, we have not taken adequate actions to tackle this possible energy crisis. When I say ‘we’, I am not referring to the governments but to every human beings alive, the common people. Natural gas prices are increasing day by day as they move towards being depleted.

Prices have been rapidly increasing for the last five years, thanks to the ever-increasing demand and the increasing shortage of natural energy resources.

How soon will it be all gone?

If we continue to consume natural gas at the present rate, whatever remaining oil will be gone in the next 30~50 years! What if the rate of consumption increases? We all know it is bound to increase. So, it is quite inevitable that the present generation will face an acute energy crisis in less than half a century, let alone future generations.

How prepared are we?
What can you and I do to prevent this energy crisis? To begin with, we need to be aware of the importance of energy and not take it for granted. Not only do we have to reduce but also stop wasting natural gas and electricity. Starting a green movement with simple things like car pooling, turning off idling engines at traffic jams, and reducing the use of natural gas in everyday activities will go a long way in crisis-readiness. Adopting a Reduce, Reuse, Recycle attitude is the best practice in preventing a energy crisis.

How to harness power from the sun?
The technique of harnessing power from the sun is one of the best alternate energy solutions ever invented. Implementing a Home Solar Saver program by installing a home solar power system is extremely feasible and cost-effective. You will be able to reduce your monthly electricity bills and at the same time contribute to a greener world.